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 NEWS for Potential Registered Sanitarians, REHSs, or REHPs

RS Test Application

To qualify for registration, an applicant must be at least 18 years of age and meet one of the following criteria:

  • Hold a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Health from a college or university accredited by the National Environmental Health Science & Protection Accreditation Council (EHAC) and show a minimum of one-year on-the-job experience in environmental health practice.

  • Hold a bachelors, masters or doctoral degree from an accredited college or university, with at least 30 semester/45 quarter hours of course work in the basic sciences, such as biology, chemistry, physics, other physical or natural sciences or environmental engineering, public health, environmental health or sanitary science and show a minimum of two years on-the-job experience in environmental health practice. The required experience may be met prior to or after obtaining the bachelor’s degree.

  • Hold a Master’s degree from an accredited college or university with curricula approved by the National Environmental Health Science & Protection Accreditation Council or a doctoral degree in environmental health. On-the-job work experience is not required.

  • PLUS, A sealed copy of your college transcripts is required with your application.

  • NEHA's Pierson View computer based exams began on 1/1/2020 with a fee of  $320 for FEHA members and $370 for non-members.



R.S. Exam Candidates: As of 2020, NEHA eliminated the paper version of their exam nationwide and exam administration has changed to Computer Based Testing (CBT) ONLY. This will improve test security and will offer scheduling advantages. You can now select a testing location near you that offers a more convenient date and time.

After your application to FEHA is approved and fee paid, you will have up to 13 months to take the exam. Unofficial test results will be available upon completion of the exam. FEHA's pricing to acquire & maintain registration will remain at about 30% less than NEHA's fees.

For you to take the NEHA exam (used by FEHA), click on the application link above, complete it, print it and have notarized.  We must also receive a sealed college transcript (non-USA University requires 3rd party certification) sent by mail to FEHA Registration Board Chair (address below) OR send the notarized application as a PDF to and request your college transcript be sent by the college or another third-party transcript provider to the same email address.   


AFTER your application and college transcripts are approved by FEHA to take the exam;

You can pay for the RS Test at the FEHA Store

 Existing Registered Sanitarians

For more information on the benefits of becoming an R.S./R.E.H.P./R.E.H.S, please review the R.S. presentation.

So...what are you waiting for?  

Questions?  Contact: 

Bob Vincent, R.S. and Trisha Dall, R.S., Co-Chairs; FEHA Registration Board

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